NetOx Net diffuser for sea cages
NetOx Net is a diffuser grid that supplies oxygen to fish pens; to reduce stress, improve feed utilization and growth during low oxygen levels. NetOx is the most widely used diffuser hose for emergency oxygenation in Norwegian fish farming.
NeOx is an effective diffuser system for oxygen supplementation for cages as needed. The system can be delivered with automatic oxygen level control.
Oxygen and growth
Research has shown that in certain periods of the year periodic oxygen deficiency in seawater may occur, which may be due to both sea and biological activity, which usually happens in the dark part of the day. If there is a lack of oxygen in the sea, an increase of only 5-10% dissolved oxygen can result in more than 10% improved growth. Adding oxygen may therefore be highly profitable.
Easy to use
NetOx Net is a hose-based diffuser that can be shaped to the geometry of the cages. The system is equipped with high quality threaded couplings in acid-proof AISI 316 and can be equipped with anchor in acid-proof steel. NetOx Net is robust and designed for rough conditions.

NetOx model Output kg/h Diffusor type
9 x 9 m 28 grid
12 x 12 m 48 grid
15 x 15 m 68 grid
Technical data
NetOx material: EPDM
Opening pressure: <1 bar
Dimension / outer dim: DN 16/25
Material in the supply hose: EPDM
Supply hose dim: DN 13
Recommended maximum output: 0.35 kg O2 / m / h

NetOx (left image) provides even distribution of bubbles along the diffuser, to the right a single hose system.

Patented construction allows NetOx Net to deliver the same amount of oxygen to all parts of the cage.

A milky cloud of small bubbles ensures efficient dissolving.