Freshwater basins
Freshwater is increasingly used for parasite treatment. We supply all types of pools for storage and treatment of freshwater in the sea. Our solutions are solid and well-proven and withstand tough handling and demanding conditions.
Our solutions have a number of patented details. Design and details are based on collaboration with fish farmers. The robust and easy-to-use solutions are based on experience from closed systems.
Long experience
Our choice of materials is based on many years of experience in aquaculture and solid competence in tarpaulins.
High quality
Bio Marine has extensive experience with the production of welded tarpaulins for aquaculture, including bags for cages. You can be assured that the product is of the highest standard in materials, design and fabrication.
Product Weight g/m2 Colour
TPU (Heavy Duty) 1250 Black
PVC 1200 Several alternatives
- Round or conical shape
- Strain relief on fastening
- Strap relief on rails
- Adjustable overflow
- Base plate with lifting hook
- Design in SolidWorks

In addition to standard pools in heavy PVC, we offer extra solid basins in the Heavy Duty version.

More smart details, such as overflow for water level control.