System for bath treatment
Bath treatment of fish in cages is a demanding operation that puts big values at stake and requires efficient and reliable equipment. We offer a complete system consisting of tarpaulin, oxygen diffusor (NetOx Drum) and wireless online monitoring (Guardian).

Our tarpaulins for bath treatment are based on many years of experience and represent an optimal combination of weight and strength. Our patented buoyancy systems help ease handling. During treatment for parasites, the sea cages are usually closed for a limited period of time, where it is essential to ensure that the fish gets enough oxygen. NetOx works excellent for this purpose and is currently widely used by fish farmers. The dosage can be done automatically with the aid of oxygen measurement system and a dosing cabinet. Monitoring and logging takes place with Guardian, which measures the oxygen level, temperature and salinity. All data is transmitted wirelessly via WiFi. Thus, anyone involved in the process can control the conditions at any given time.
Measurements can be viewed on the website with clear menus and measurements.

NetOx Drum makes it easy and efficient to add oxygen during bath treatment.

Guardian sends measurements wirelessly with GSM to database in the cloud, and can be followed on digital platforms during bath treatment.

Tailored tarpaulin, here of muffin type.