Sara Rasouli's research confirms the importance of artificial lighting in delaying sexual maturation of cod, while light is a key factor in optimizing growth, fish health and sustainability.
New Master degree on the use of light for cod
Sara Rasouli recently earned her master's degree in Aquatic Food Production at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). The title of her thesis is “The Use of Light in Cod Farming.”
Rasouli startet på sitt masterprogram i 2022 og fullførte det i mai 2024. I løpet av denne perioden fordypet hun seg i emnet bruk av lys i torskeoppdrett, og spesielt på ulike former for lysdistribusjon i torskemerder. Hennes forskning ble gjennomført i samarbeid med Bio Marine og foregikk ved et torskeoppdrett, med mål å optimalisere vekst og helse ved å se på hvordan lysforholdene bidrar til resultatet.
Rasouli began her master's program in 2022 and completed it in May 2024. During this period, she delved into the topic of using light in cod farming, focusing particularly on various forms of light distribution in cod cages. Her research was conducted in collaboration with Bio Marine and took place at a cod farm, aiming to optimize growth and health by examining how lighting conditions contribute to the results.
Rasouli's research confirms the importance of artificial lighting to delay the sexual maturation of cod, while light is also a key factor in optimizing growth, fish health, and sustainability. In her study, she explored various techniques for distributing light in cod cages at different locations. These new techniques, which have not been thoroughly researched before, appear to play a very important role in optimizing operations. The lights used in her research were provided by Bio Marine, where Rasouli is now employed.
“Using artificial light is very important to delay the sexual maturation of cod, which in turn improves growth rates and overall fish health. My research aimed to optimize this process,” says Rasouli.
Rasouli's ongoing work at Bio Marine builds on the findings from her master's thesis and aims to contribute to new innovative solutions in practice.
“Working at Bio Marine allows me to apply my knowledge in practice. It also provides me with an environment where I can explore the potential for lighting in aquaculture. Bio Marine offers a unique opportunity to work in this exciting field and gives me a professional platform where I can make a difference for the aquaculture industry,” adds Sara Rasouli.