NetOx diffuser frame for tanks
NetOx diffuser frame is a practical solution for adding oxygen to land based tanks. A patented diffuser hose provides an effective oxygen supplement. Adjustable feet allow for levelling and minimal impact on the hydraulic conditions.
Always operational
NetOx diffuser frame is ideal both for basic and extra demand controlled oxygen dosage and as an emergency system. NetOx delivers oxygen under low pressure directly from an oxygen tank, consequently, it works without electricity.
Leading technology
NetOx is today the world's leading diffuser for the addition of oxygen in fish cages and has been delivered to many countries. NetOx hose delivers a cloud of microbubbles into the water. Thus, oxygen is added quickly and efficiently. The design is specially developed for fish farming and is patented.

Low pressure diffuser system, directly in the tank, completely independent of electricity, minimal disturbance of the tank hydraulics.
NetOx diffuser frame provides rapid oxygen supplementation in critical situations in land based farming, such as:
• High water temperatures
• Limited access to water
• Sudden stress situations
• Medication
• Sorting
• Vaccination
• Feeding
Recommended capacity: 5.5 kg O2 / m / h
Dimensions: 0.5 x 2 meters
Weight: 25 kg
Diffuser material: EPDM
Opening pressure: <1 bar
Supply hose material: EPDM
Supply hose dim: DN 13

The number of frames can be customized for each plant, depending on the type of operation, tank size, biomass, temperature conditions and water exchange rate. By moving the frames one can easily adapt to different tank sizes and shapes.

Compact packaging for efficient transport