Aeration of ponds with AirX
AirX is a hose diffuser designed to provide air over large areas in dams and freshwater ponds. AirX adds air efficiently throughout the water column and is more effective than conventional paddle wheels that only affect the upper water layer.
AirX can be used in both dams for shrimp and fish and can effectively cover areas up to 10,000 m2. Because AirX supplies air at 2 – 4 m depth, the oxygen transfer rate is as high as 2.7 kg O2 / kWh (SAE).
Experience shows that oxygen shortages may occur during periods of the year. This is usually due to high oxygen consumption at high temperature and peak biomass before harvest. Acute oxygen deficit usually occurs at night and in early morning before sunset. At suboptimal oxygen level an increase of only 5-10% dissolved oxygen concentration can result in more than 10% improved growth. Aerating in periods will therefore be profitable.
Lobe pump
We also distribute compressors of the lobe pump type, which are specially adapted to air supply through AirX. The air pumps provide adequate pressure at high energy efficiency (m3 air / kWh energy consumption). The pumps require low maintenance and have a very long service life (up to 10 years).
Technical data
NetOx material: EPDM
Opening pressure: <1 bar
Dimension / outer dim: DN 20/28
Supply hose dim: DN 13

AirX can be designed according to the geometry of the pond.

Patented construction allows AirX to deliver the same amount of oxygen to all parts of the pond.

We supply compact lobe type compressors suitable for AirX.