The company will install Turbolift delivered by Bio Marine in all salmon cages at three sea localities. By improving the water quality and prevent jellyfish from entering the cages the company achieves more efficient operation throughout the season. The assignment includes a complete delivery to all three localities.

At some sea localities in Iceland occur episodic, massive jellyfish blooms and sub-optimal water conditions in the surface layers. Over a long period, Ice Fish Farm has tested different ways to improve the cage conditions
- We are located far north and east. The conditions in the upper water layers are not always absolutely optimal. To get good fish welfare and avoid days without feeding we install air-lift pumps in all 34 cages at threee localities. By lifting deep water into the cage nets we want to increase the oxygen level and ensure good stable conditions, says Bardur Arnaldsson, regional manager at Ice Fish Farm.

Water lift
The air-lift pumps are of the type Turbolift, a technical system developed by Bio Marine. Turbolift lifts large amounts of deep water by air through a vertical tube to the surface. The system is run by an air compressor.
- It works like a ventilation system and provides good water circulation in the cages in a simple way. Turbolift is often applied together with sea lice skirts ensuring good cage conditions and protection against jellyfish and parasites, explains Svein Svengaard at Bio Marine.
Turn-key delivery
Turbolifts are delivered together with three containers containing air compressors, flow meters and other necessary equipment. The containers are built by the company Norluft.
- For us, it is a large delivery within this segment. The system also attracts considerable interest by Norwegian fish farmers. Our ambition is to improve the cage conditions by moderate investments and operational costs, says Svein Svengaard.