
Svein Kr. Svengaard

Sales cage farming Norway

Mobile + 47 922 85 596

Sveinung N. Alvestad

Sales land based Norway

Mobile + 47 915 27 677

Ola Landa

Project sales oxygen/circulation

Mobile + 47 458 81 950

Nils Hovden

Export sales manager

Mobile + 47 976 60 633

Martin Gausen

Managing director

Mobile + 47 482 04 041

Gaute Gordon

Technical manager

Mobile + 47 990 42 299

Svein B. Tveiten

Production manager textiles

Mobile + 47 412 74 070

Karina Wigum

Financial manager

Mobile + 47 936 95 891

Olve Børmark

Production and quality

Mobile + 47 901 38 461

Asbjørn Bergheim

Research manager

Mobile + 47 480 32 953

Sara Rasouli

Project manager/researcher

Mobile + 47 489 27 092

Nina Eggen


Mobile + 47 458 76 681

Solveig Haglund

ESG & projects

Mobile + 47 997 22 268

Andre Gordon


Mobile +47 90 95 87 65

Stine Bøe


Mobile +47 941 14 498

Daniel Dahl-Brekstad


Isak Sæterbø


Hussein Mohammedzada


Bio Marine Baltic

Svein B. Tveiten


Mobile + 47 412 74 070

Kaitana Juškevičienė

Production manager


Domas Juškevičius

Technical manager


Contact us

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About Bio Marine

Bio Marine develops and markets products and systems that ensure a good environment and safety for farmed fish, with particular emphasis on oxygen supply, water circulation, environmental monitoring and lighting.

In fish farming, it is important for both profitability and fish welfare that the fish have optimal conditions for growth and development, without stress and unnecessary suffering. Developing technology and solutions that make it easy to ensure optimal environmental conditions and safety for the fish is our business idea. Bio Marine thus continues OxyVision's technology and expertise, which has presented leading solutions in oxygen systems in aquaculture for over 20 years.

In increasingly intensive farming, the supply of oxygen is still fundamental for both the utilization of growth potential and safety. Here, Bio Marine has developed new products and solutions for both land-based and sea-based farming, which today has key functions in temperate and tropical aquaculture in 12 countries - and in all continents.

In connection with oxygenation, there is a need for systems that warn and document environmental conditions. Here we offer measuring and logging equipment, which plays on teams with oxygen diffusers and aeration systems, for the benefit of efficiency, growth and fish welfare.

Research and experience have shown that light plays a crucial role in both growth, vitality, smoltification and sexual maturation. In line with our business idea, we have developed lighting products that both satisfy the fish's needs and at the same time are efficient and economical to use. We work closely with the research communities to acquire new knowledge such as the fish's natural needs and the limits that apply to welfare and growth. In line with this new knowledge, we develop technologies that meet these needs and at the same time facilitate the most efficient operation possible.

Our employees have education in aquaculture, practical experience from research, farming and experience in the development and adaptation of technology. Our technology is also used to improve the environment in lakes and in connection with municipal and industrial wastewater treatment.

Bio Marine is owned by Bluefront Equity and OxyVision Holding.


Bio Marine on sustainability (ESG)

Bio Marine works for a better cage environment, and optimizes conditions for growth and survival or farmed fish, increased feed utilization, less wastage, better welfare and less stress & mortality. Our products help to maintain the natural physiological processes in the fish, and which lead to good growth and a shorter production cycle in the cages and thus smaller environmental footprints. Our products for environmental monitoring in cage environments are also used to improve the environment in lakes and in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment.
We use heat pumps for all heating, and part of the power consumption comes from solar panels. All company cars are electric cars that can be charged with a renewable energy source. We try to carry out collaboration and meeting activities digitally, without travel, to a large extent. All waste from operation and production is sorted and delivered to a nearby recycling plant.
Bio Marine supports the local community in Surnadal through sponsorship funds for the local sport clubs. We are the closest neighbor to Surnadal's football arena, and our outdoor area is made available for parking at larger events. We support youth activities and participate in local business work.
Bio Marine focuses on the following of the UN's sustainability goals:

Board of directors

Jon Gausen

Oxyvision Holding

Kjetil Haga

Bluefront Equity

Sondre Storli

Bluefront Equity

Simen Landmark

Bluefront Equity

Nils Hovden

Oxyvision Holding