Delaying sexual maturation in farmed cod

Delaying sexual maturation in farmed cod may improve fish welfare, quality and economic outcomes Thanks to an important scientific breakthrough, Norway’s largest cod farmer Ode is looking forward to the future. That’s because...

One light per cage in salmon farming

One light per cage in salmon farming By reducing the number of light points in the cages, Nordlaks Oppdrett has less operational challenges, such as when the fish stock is treated against sea...

Measuring light intensity in salmon tanks

Bio Marine and The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) have monitored light conditions in some Norwegian smolt farms. The effects of different number and size of lamps placed above and below the...

Europe’s oldest RAS houses sustainable eel

For the Valencian eel producer, EU requirements demand several hundred thousand small eels are released each year. Strict requirements for emissions apply. For fish welfare oxygen levels are always maintained. The RAS plant...

SalMar will use several types of underwater light

Several good options in growth light have become available. To compare practical use and results, SalMar will use different types of light throughout an entire growing season. The right light is important for...

More underwater lights for record growing smolt

For both fish welfare and for keeping visual contact with the fish, smolt farm Trøndersmolt chooses to continue with full underwater lighting to smolts with record-breaking growth. After testing different brands, they landed on...

Is one lamp per cage enough?

In today's cage systems, there is a lot of technical equipment that must be removed and reassembled when carrying out necessary operations in the cages, for example during lice treatment. These are time...

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